Thursday, April 26, 2007

Good Morning

Well, not so good today. I am a serious Liverpool supporter and last night's match was horrible to watch. My team lost to Chelsea by 1-0. Our last African representative in Cricket, South Africa, was bundled out by Australia. One wonders if the Cricket world cup is still relevant, when the same team is in three consecutive world cup finals. Australia are simply way up there, in their own league. May be they should have the Cricket world cup once every decade, to allow for other teams to catch up with Australia.

I gotta rush off to my second day of Web 2.0 training.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

My First Blog

My full name is Juliana Nyasha Tirivayi. I prefer to be called Nyasha. I am an African woman, a wife, a mother and a research economist. I am driven by a passion to succeed, acquire knowledge and produce excellence. Failure is not an option.

I am currently working in the development sector and am contributing to the empowerment of women and youth through enabling them access to ICTs. I am working for an organization called E-Knowledge for Women in Southern Africa. ICTs are vital tools for enabling development in this modern era. My dream is to see ICTs being used by all persons regardless of education level, gender, age, disability, wealth or geographical setting. I would like to salute all women out there working tirelessly to improve the livelihoods of women, the youth and other marginalized groups in Africa. Keep strong and keep up the faith.

My first blog has been made possible courtesy of a Web 2.0 workshop I am currently attending. Lessons from Web 2.0 include:

1. The importance of Web 2.o tools in any organization's communication strategy
2. The opportunities for knowledge exchange, collaboration, learning and networking that arise from using Web 2.0 tools
3. Web 2.0 are cheaper than mainstream media tools which however need reliable Internet connectivity.